Red Shoulder Hawk

Red Shoulder Hawk

Friday, July 11, 2008

Nourished by Movie Night

Last night after the community meeting a few of us pedaled over to The Temescal Street Collective's free outdoor movie night. About 300 people were arranged on the street, the movie was projected up on the side of a bank, and the sound system was balanced for good acoustics as well as being a good neighbor to the nearby residences.

Sitting among a half-dozen of my good friends in the cooling evening, passing a bottle of wine surreptitiously between us, sharing olives and bread with brie a little less so, noticing an alternative lifestyle triad kissing each other occasionally in front of me, seeing local landmarks such as Lake Merrit and the running trails along the bay projected large, watching an inspirational account of local youth being encouraged to do something completely outside their own expectations, I was once more overwhelmed with gratitude for the amazingness of my life.

Sure, here in O-town we have some serious issues, but we are also working hard to find life-affirming solutions to those problems. Last night I got to dwell in a little bit of the heaven we are trying to build. I am restored to take on more gladly the work that is rightly mine to do.

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