Red Shoulder Hawk

Red Shoulder Hawk

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I'll sleep when she sleeps

I had a hard time going to sleep.

I did some calming exercises, thanked God for my blessings, and did fall asleep... until 1:11 am, when I woke up and checked on my newsed baby. She was fine, happily sucking down electrons flowing from some hydroelectric dam in the Sierras through a plug in my home office. The power cord is so long it goes through the office, across the bedroom, through a window, over the car and into the charging socket.

I managed to go back to sleep.

At 3:09 I heard a funny "beep-boop, beep-boop, beep-boop" that was clearly an alert of some sort. I got up again and peeked through the window and saw the meter was showing a full 168V charge. So I unplugged her and she went to sleep, too.

Now I've woken up with the sun, and I am excited about the living I'm to do today! Well, ok, actually I'm nervous about how I'm going to get Nicholas to Robot Camp up at Berkeley's Clark Kerr campus at 8:45 and myself to my 9:00 coaching session with Nika.

I'll just go with the flow.

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