
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Loafing on Christmas

Permaculture Principle: The problem is the solution.

Application for our family: we never seem to get all the food shopping done. Last night, as an example, Nicholas and I lucked in to Berkeley Bowl's final four minutes. We got a surprisingly large amount of shopping done in those four minutes, but we are without some things typically considered essential. Shall we mope and whine that we don't have our "favorite?" The problem is we have time, but the stores are closed now. Well, what do we have? Time, flour and a recipe for the world-famous no-knead bread! Suddenly the gift of baking together in the kitchen is recaptured, and the tradition of having special food on the holiday is upheld.

We also found the parts for the pasta machine, so we'll be treating ourselves to fresh pasta later!

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