
Thursday, February 02, 2006

HNT for Permaculture

First, about last week's HNT: big thank you's to all you wonderful people who commented about me in my electric car. I've never felt so loved by bloglings! I'm looking for some boxers to match the car, now...

Two things, today: First, send me to Permaculture Design Class. I want to tell you all about permaculture! I've got $20 so far. The most excellent envelope with $10 in it is from my excellent artist friend, Rebecca Stees. Thank you, Rebecca!

I've set up a PayPal button for $10. If 80 wonderful bloglings send me $10, I can go. Email and ask your friends to help, I'll get there faster. Come on, you know you want to read all about it. And I can't write about it unless I go. Time is running out!

So click the button, send me back to school!

Second: I'm starting Sustainability Sundays, a weekly blog event so folks can share some thing they know or have done to promote sustainability. Come on back on Sunday, to see my first post!

And above all, have a happy Half-Nekkid Thursday!


  1. Good luck with your course mate!

    Happy HNT!

  2. great shot, great grin, striking blue eye. happy HNT! and hope the course goes well

  3. study hard when you get there. sounds like a lot of investors will want nothing less ;)

    happy hnt!

  4. ahh good luck with the schooling. And happy hnt!

  5. p-boi: Thanks! I hope I get to go.

    Lee Ann, C-pants: Thank you!

    Lady Lime: I feel your support, thank you.

    Jazz: Oh, I will!

    Velma, can you feel them looking at your HNT?

    V-K: HHNT!

    Tiffaney: I still don't know where that tatto is.

  6. You're in the money man! HHNT!

  7. He's cute AND he's environmentally conscientious? He's got a great smile, gorgeous eyes, and money?

    If I weren't already married and madly in love...


    Shoot your addy to my e-mail. I don't do paypal, but I'll drop you a ten spot to send you on your way.

  8. Hehehe I hope you are able to get the course paid for!!

    You have such stunning eyes...very...just very sexy.

  9. Permaculture rawks! I am always so excited when other people know what it is too :D.

    Hope you get to take the course and Happy HNT!

  10. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Someone should make that into a commercial! HHNT

  11. Great pic! Wish I could help ya out, but all I can offer you is good luck wishes!

    Happy HNT! :)

  12. Good luck! gorgeous blue eyes hun!

    Happy HNT!

  13. Love the picture... and don't forget to report back from your class! :)

  14. Great pic (so cute) & great ideas.

    I'm coming back.

    Happy HNT.

  15. I want to wish you luck! That being said, I gave at the office.
    Sorry - Single mom = broke.
    Happy HNT all the same!

  16. Ack...and I gave away my last 10 bucks to the developer of SpamKarma :( Good luck anyway...and Happy HNT!!!

  17. I'm so moved, I think I'll promote my comments into a blog entry.

  18. Well, school is a good thing! Good luck with that. Happy HNT

  19. HA! That's too funny. Keep up the good work!

  20. You have gorgeous eyes even when they are blinded by money!!

    Happy HNT!!!

  21. I loved that electric car picture. *grin*

    This one is great too. Your eyes are so beautiful.

    Happy HNT!
