
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Commenting on comments

Some of the profile pictures are more than PG-13 (in my opinion). Since this blog is intended for audiences having attained the age of reason, I am faced with the objectionable task of censoring other people's contributions! I like innuendo as much as the next dynamic individual, but I think I'm going to turn off profile pics for a while. I'm gonna miss all your faces!

Do I really need to respond to comments? Do I really need to promote my responses up to their own post? Today, I will.

Marie: Yep, great fun. I just watched the movies with my son, and he positively glowed with the recollection of it.

Monkey: You have enough going on, without a troop of wet and noisy people showing up at your doorstep! But I did think of you as I hopped onto the Reno-80 bypass.

Leesa: Yep, I highly recommend it.

Lime: Pennsylvania in October is prolly as cold as Sac in December (at least most years-- we've had some crazy heat waves this fall in North America). Yeh, there's something special about playing in a creek. Creek-stompin'. I'll remember that.

Lee Ann: Happy HNT to you, too!

lil biiiit! Thanks for stopping by! Thanks for the towel, but why didn't you heat it first?

MKBear: Yep, I'm ready to try for the Polar Bear club!

Wenchy: I DO love frogs, having been one for most of my dating career. This creek has little fresh-water clams, those are much quieter than frogs. I should write a sustainability post about the crystal-clear water up at the Solar Living Institute.

Lara: I suppose it was a little crazy... sort of like posting pics of mesh-wrapped torsos? But it sure made us feel alive! Thanks for liking my graphics... I guess you've been over to my design website? Or the Pixel Rangers blog? Feel free to contact me about design work, I'm recruiting awesome clients right now.

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