
Thursday, December 29, 2005

The year's best HNT

My wife is out of town, and I'd thank you all to remember I'm a married man. Or maybe I'm just reminding ME that I'm happily married.

Os, here's a link for the themed version of Half-Nekkid Thursday: my favorite HNT of the year.

And today, an extra wrinkle for my blog; I'll be taking this post down in the morning. The local paper interviewed me about my Home of the Future project, and new viewers confronted by HNT first thing are liable to be confused. What does nekkidness have to do with sustainability? I mean, I get it, but I have other messaging I want to present first off.

Rest assured that I'll be re-posting today's HNT by Saturday or Sunday.


Well, the article didn't publish my URL, so this post can stay up.


  1. very nice shot! i like the expression. happy HNT!

  2. All nekkidness should be sustainable! heh or at the very least sustained...
    Happy New Year!

  3. I checked out the yoga pose photo, which is amazing! wow. And I also love the expression on your face here on this post. ;) Happy HNT!

  4. i just saw the return comment you left at my place. i am humbled! thanks so much!

  5. Very cool! Cheers, Happy HNT, and have a wonderful New Year!

  6. Love that shot! Happy HNT and a very Happy New Year!

  7. Ooooh, I love the new pic!! Very, very nice! And great pick for your favorite of the old ones! As for taking down this post, you can go in and resave it as a draft in the morning. Then once the coast is clear, republish it. :) Happy HNT!

  8. I love your hands... and eyes.

  9. Fun shot. Happy HNT and Happy New Year!

  10. I love it!

    Happy HNT! :) Good luck with the interview!

  11. I often forget I'm married when my wife is out of town!! LOL


  12. Cool shot! hehe

    Happy HNT & New Year!!

  13. Lucky for me the article omitted the URL, 'cause this is a great shot!

  14. Cool shot. I have been thinking about beginning taking Yoga. Is it really that great? HHNT and HNY.

  15. Leesa, thank you!

    Lime, yeh, it came out well.

    belly!!! Nice to hear from you. Yepper, Nekkidness is very sustainable.

    Marie, I like YOUR hnt's very much.

    lime, I hope that's a good thing...

    Marcel, it's YOU who inspires me! Although I don't choose to take the time to be as awesome as you.

    Lee ann, thank you so much!

    Tish, if you could see into my heart, you'd know the coast is NEVER clear. Thanks for enjoying my pic!

    Mz Naughty... Happy New Year!

    furzl, you made me smile. I saw your last week's "peek a boo" and only now have the strength to comment on that experience.

    Thank you, wenchy. Hay, waitaminute, are you and furzl sharing a keyboard?

    Libra, oh liberated one, yes, with that ring I carry a symbol of what's true in my heart.

    Mark, thank you! HNY!

    MamaKbear: Thatnks! The interview went well, the article is a bit dull (according to my daughter). "People ought to just read your blog!" she says.

    Chuck, What, do you do the dishes at your house too?

    Yeah, blondie, and so are yours! Uh, cool shots, that is...

    Robin, you're sweet. Thanks!

    Ray Ray, yeh, maybe a little too devilish. I think some of these ladies are trying to hit on me! I think they're including secret, coded messages in their comments!

    And uh, go ahead and stalk! It's going to be an amazing your for the project.

    T-G, Yes, yoga really is amazing. I got super lucky and learned from some of the best. I've since moved and tried other studios, and they were WEAK! But I look and feel great, and it's all diet, clean living and yoga!

  16. I'm loving this whole 'Best of HNT's' flashbacks...

    Happy New Year and Happy HNT.

