
Saturday, October 15, 2005

I learn so much at parties.

We went to an impromptu birthday celebration for my friend Dannielle. A refrigerator magnet stopped my son from following his impulse to explore inside the icebox:

I *heart* MY PENIS

"I'm really bothered by this," he told us.

"Well, just put it back and leave it," said Dannielle's SO, Ron.


Five men in a kitchen will stand at the natural vertices of a testostagon.


You can be a Spiral while running with sparklers left over from the Fourth. You can also be a Sine Wave. Sine Waves run out of air, but bushes leap off the sidewalk and consume Spirals.


My son brought out I *heart* MY PENIS again, when more guests showed up. "I really don't like this," he said.

"Fine, then," I said. "Put it away and stop playing with it."


A Scorpio/Libra cusp is a Librorpio.


Trader Joe's triple chocolate Bundt cake is the elemental form of chocolate; its symbol on the periodic table is Ch. Even small quantities when consumed can alter the perception of color and sound.


Just because an Italian girl is friendly doesn't mean she wants to sleep with you.


Boys can't keep their clothes on.


Boys can't keep anyone's clothes on.


Bittersweet chocolate is like methadone.


I went into the kitchen to get a drink of water. I looked at the refrigerator. My son had taken care of the I *heart* MY PENIS magnet. He covered PENIS with a magnet of the great white whale, Moby Dick.

1 comment:

  1. In a quiet momnet, I talked this situation through with my son (a good friend suggested a course of inquiry).

    What did he hope to accomplish? What was the best possible outcome?

    I found it's just that my boy is still a very intensely private person about private parts. So we looked at how calling attention to the magnet made the whole situation even less private.

    He liked that I assured him that in the future, he could let me know if something he considers private bothers him and I would help identify what could be done to put him at ease.
