
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

What a nice birthday present I got early, on Friday: I got carded buying a six-pack. Here I am, well into my 40th decade, and sometimes I look fresh enough to warrant having my ID checked. How nice. I gave the cashier my best smile. This pic is from two years ago... I dunno, maybe if you squint, I might look under 30...

I'm tempted to share something Xena said to me, but my daughter reads this blog (and contributes, rarely).

The most pressing thing today? I owe the homeowner a phone call. I have nothing new to report. Today is the deadline for having an offer in her hands, and I've got only 2/3rds of an offer.

I got to have ice cream in my coffee this morning. I got to play Jenga with my son. And I got to draw an illustration for the town plaza some of us are proposing instead of the big-box cinema complex. So it's been a pretty nice and gentle birthday so far. I have presents to open later, too.

1 comment:

  1. no one thinks you're into your 40th decade, I promise.
