
Sunday, October 23, 2005

Caity's party

Caitlan's birthday ritual includes friends, pizza, and Sundaes with at least 4 kinds of ice cream and several toppings. We had no whip cream emergencies this year. Her guests are too old to make accidents with it, and the venue too public to be applying it creatively to flesh.

Birthday cake has never been a big deal with my children. It was a big deal for my mom and her children; she made dozens of different theme cakes for us. She made a race car, a horse, a bat, Winnie-the-pooh, a ladybug, the moon, and even a model of the nearby park. Caitlan attempted brownies this year. Guests began to arrive while she was mixing the batter, and she neglected to add the eggs. Recognizing the batter was too stiff, she compensated by adding more oil and water. The resulting confection was not unlike chocolate asphalt. The teens ate it anyway.

It was vegan.

I added up the watts consumed by the projector (the box gives a range, 165 to 350), the DVD player (12) and the speakers (115) and found the entertainment was drawing 442 watts, or 50 watts per person.

We'll do a similar movie set-up for the Harry Potter release party we're planning. I need some good trivia questions for that. From easy stuff (What is the Platform number for the Hogwarts train) to really esoteric stuff (Who was the real St. Mungo?).

1 comment:

  1. I hope my kids have cool friends like that.
    You got a good kid there.
